Enough is enough...

Most modern men live a hellish half-life of frustration, disconnection & loneliness.

If you're ready to begin the journey back into self-respect, discipline, connectedness and flow... I'm glad you're here.

I want to share with you my 20+ year journey into manhood, warriorship, energetics, meditation and fatherhood in a way that helps you step into more power, more presence and a more connected way of living.

Download the free ebook and video training


Want more confidence, groundedness, charisma and influence as a man?

Would more command presence allow you to lead better at work & at home?

Learn how to use your mind, body and masculine energy to become a man of influence in this free guide.



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How to be comfortable with confrontation & uncertainty

How to be the most confident, grounded man in the room.

How to discover who you are and confidently share that man with the world


My name is Simon Smart

I believe every man has a PATH to walk in this life.

When he does, life is infused with purpose and flow.

I was lucky. I found mine early.

Instead of joining the British Army as I'd planned, I become deeply involved in martial arts and moved to Osaka, Japan to train in several fighting and meditation traditions.

This lead me into traditional manhood training in 2002 when I quested for the first time. This was a transformative experience that still shapes me today.

Since then I've delivered combatives training to US Military personel, grown businesses, been married, been divorced, raised a son, travelled the world and done my best to help other men find their power and their paths.

My work centers around masculine energetics, meditation, self-inquiry, values, life-balance & deep purpose.

I help men acheive more across the core areas of money, marriage, masculinity & mission.

I offer 1-1 coaching, in person events and other customized experiences as appropriate.